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Why bet on technology in production planning?

August 12, 2021 | by Roberto Flores | Industry

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It is a fact that when analyzing the profitability of a factory, it is necessary to focus on measuring production capacity, in the short, medium and long term, seeking to optimize production planning that allows us to take measures in real time, which allows us to resolve possible future conflicts. Do you want to know why planning and controlling the production process of a company is so important? and more importantly, how to do this using technology for process optimization?

Production planning is based on setting a work plan (completely dynamic) depending on the number of orders or the sales we expect to have. To make a realistic production planning, we must take into account the following parameters:

  • Number of workers
  • Materials available
  • Delivery times
  • Production capacity, both of the employees and of the machines

The importance of production planning lies in achieving full harmony between capacity and forecasting demand.

To understand this symbiosis, it is necessary to analyze production planning at 3 levels:

  • Short-term planning: takes care of day-to-day operations.
  • Medium-term planning: It is responsible for forecasting demand and planning capacity based on that demand.
  • Long-term planning: It is in charge of aspects such as the facilities and the capital to be invested.

The use of technology to optimize industrial companies allows to manage the complete control of the manufacturing processes, from the management of the most basic operations, to the most exhaustive analysis of any process that affects the production process, affecting different variables:

  • Cycle time improvement
  • Maintenance plans for tools and machines
  • Comprehensive traceability of the process to manage changes, costs, delays, etc.
  • Automatic generation of technical documents and work standards: specifications, comparative analysis, auditing
  • Manufacturing process efficiency
  • Demand forecast. CRM
  • Medium / long term planning (MRP / MPS)
  • Short-term manufacturing order scheduling

Digitally transform the planning process will depend on the sector in which it is located, the market in which the company operates, but above all its clients, since we must not only seek to use resources efficiently, but also, with it provide value to the customer by synchronizing our tools so that customers reach success and only then will we meet the goals of the organization. This is the RRD philosophy where our client is at the center of our value strategy at all times in the planning of our production process.

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