How to Submit Coupons
9/2/2022 RRD

Please follow the instructions outlined below when submitting coupons for payment.
Sort the coupons by manufacturer. A manufacturer is determined by the product or manufacturer name printed in the coupon’s legal verbiage.
Prepare an invoice for each manufacturer. Reference a sample invoice form.
Submit a complete invoice with each coupon submission. The invoice should contain the following information:
Store name
Physical store address
Mailing address (if different from physical store address)
Retailer account number (when available)
Invoice number (this can consist of numbers and letters, preferably not the date of submission)
Invoice date (the date coupons are being submitted)
Claimed dollar amount (including face value, handling, and transportation costs). The claimed dollar amount is calculated as follows:
Itemize the number of coupons by face value
Enter numbers under the appropriate column heading “# of coupons” and “face value”
Multiply the number of coupons by face value to equate extended value
Total extended value column to arrive at a subtotal extended value
Sum number of coupons to arrive at total coupon count
Multiply total coupon count by handling rate and enter total handling
Enter your transportation costs
Sum total face value + total handling + transportation costs and enter grand total
Mail the invoice and coupons to the designated manufacturer. Use only the most recently issued coupon to determine the correct redemption address. Do not send coupons to the RRD or NCH corporate office.
For all NCH manufacturer clients, please address as follows:
(Manufacturer Name) (Manufacturer Number as referenced in coupon legal verbiage)
PO Box 880001
El Paso, TX 88588-0001
Make a copy of all invoices submitted for your records.
Place coupons in an envelope or box and seal securely.
Consider obtaining proof of delivery at your own discretion.
Still have questions? Contact us.