Digital Production for Labels and Cartons Drives Private Brand Program | Retail

9/20/2021 Peter Mihalek

Digital Production for Labels and Cartons Drives Private Brand Program | Retail

RRD’s consultative approach keeps retailer on path to produce consistent, high-quality packaging and labels for private brand


An American-based retailer of nutritional supplements sought to build its private-label program through digital print production for both labels and folding cartons. The retailer also needed support managing relationships with multiple co-packers nationwide, as it was having issues with its suppliers on pricing and program management commitments.

An ongoing and successful engagement with RRD’s Retail Solutions team for in-store production and workflow support for its monthly promotion signage kit motivated the client to consider additional RRD services.

Specifically, the client invited RRD to take a closer look at improving its label program as well as producing its private brands packaging. Combined, this label and folding carton program contained over 1,000 SKUs.


A thorough assessment of the retailer's packaging allowed RRD to identify a number of wholly avoidable print and color inconsistencies, from label to carton and carton to carton. Both RRD’s Labels Solutions and Packaging Solutions teams worked closely to develop a simplified print and ship digital production matrix for labels and cartons. 

This all-digital solution would allow for shorter runs and quicker turnarounds without a loss in quality. The alignment of these two teams would also provide the client a single point of contact through RRD client services.

RRD also proposed that production and co-packer relationships be managed through the RRD Packaging Solutions group, which utilizes a proprietary LS2 system to securely store a client’s bills of materials across all print and packaging commodities (i.e., specs, version control, order and transaction history, and reportable data down to individual co-packer) and improve future buying accuracy. 

Additionally, RRD’s comprehensive solution also includes the availability and access to RRD’s global creative studio, which will ensure a balanced mix of support in creative services, content creation, and brand management.

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