Innovative Large-Card Format Drives Creative Rotation Strategy | Telecom
8/31/2022 RRD

Multiple winning formats strategically mailed in a rotation to avoid format fatigue
Recognized as a savvy marketer, this national telecommunications company sends millions of pieces of mail each month offering their services to consumers who aren’t currently subscribers. They also mail current customers with cross-sell and up-sell promotions.
By leveraging multiple control formats in a creative rotation strategy, this major telecom brand keeps their mailings looking fresh and innovative. To keep this engine running, RRD regularly proposes unique formats and features that will continue to grab attention and drive response.
RRD meets with this client frequently to propose inventive formats along with innovative personalization techniques. The two most recent winning concepts — a formal snap-pak-style piece sent to small business customers and an enveloped kit with flap sent to residential customers — feature an oversized, multi-ply paper card highlighting the key elements of a specific offer.
Key elements to their success include:
- Official treatment of the outer envelope
- Feel of a thick card inside the envelope
- In-your-face offer presented on a large card
- Personalized graphics via variable imaging
To determine performance, the new larger card designs were tested in small quantities in both markets. Both were winners and have been added as a control, rolling out in quantities of over 25 million pieces on a regular basis.
There are currently 12-15 winning formats that are strategically mailed in a rotation to avoid format fatigue. RRD’s ability to image the majority of the mail pieces with variable content — using the freshest data — not only improves the relevance of the offer, but also allows for a single postal string. This is saving our client thousands of dollars in postal costs.